

  •  Final acceptance for publication of the paper titled “Managing tree-crops for climate mitigation. An economic evaluation trading-off carbon sequestration with market goods” in the international journal “Sustainable Production and Consumption” (Elsevier).


LIFE CLIMATREE Final Conference


  • The final e-conference of CLIMATREE took place on 22 October 2020
  • CLIMATREE was presented in Webinar series Climate neutral food and wood: Showcasing best climate practices in agriculture, forestry, food systems and bioeconomy organized by DG CLIMA and EASME on 6 October 2020. 



LIFE CLIMATREE Final Conference Announcement


Tree orchards can act as an important sink for CO2 and hence contributes significant to climate change mitigation due to their ability to serve as a carbon pool. This mitigation potential depends on the cultivation and management practices.


In order to explore the mitigation potentials of orchards the LIFE  CLIMATREE project attempts to: 

  • Investigate the CO balance of tree cultivations
  • To evaluate and rank different cultivation practices in terms of CO sequestration
  • To develop a simple, but scientifically rigorous, e-tool permitting operational   estimates of the CO sequestration in different conditions. This tool will address the relevant needs of agronomist, farmers, decision makers and the public
  • To propose management practices and cultivation methods that result in rich mitigation potentials
  • To enrich agricultural policies with climate objectives which enhance the      competitiveness of the agricultural sector
  • To update the CO national accounts of the Mediterranean countries. National inventories for Greenhouse Gases

LIFE CLIMATREE demonstrates the important, still ignored, mitigation potentials of tree cultivations.


Tree cultivations are significant for farmers, rural development, social cohesion, biodiversity, climate. Their contribution is investigated by LIFE CLIMATREE with specific relevance in the conditions of the Mediterranean. Under the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus epidemic the final conference of LIFE CLIMATREE will take place at 22 October 2020 as a virtual event in collaboration with the Greek Green Fund.


Register for your active participation in the conference to the following link:





  • CLIMATREE findings were presented by Prof. Kostas Bithas and Prof. Petros Roussos in the Ministry of Agriculture, especially in the Unit of Spatial Planning and Climate Change, in an operational working meeting in charge for the design of the forthcoming CAP (20/01/2020).



  • Project Coordinator Prof. K. Bithas  presented the “Tree Crops as a CO2 pool in the Mediterranean. Linking Agriculture and Climate Policies” at the Final Conference of LIFE OLIVE4CLIMATE, which took place in Perugia (3 December 2019).

    For more information on the program of the Final Conference of LIFE OLIVE4CLIMATE click here For the presentation click here 

  • CLIMATREE presented to the committee of Climate Change of the Bank of Greece. This committee has developed and coordinated a high number of initiatives concerning the impacts of climate change in Greece. In this context, CLIMATREE findings were systematically presented and influenced the evaluation of the climate policies in Greece. As a result of this activities CLIMATREE designed its final conference in collaboration with the Bank of Greece as a big Mediterranean event. However, the impacts of pandemic cancelled this conference initiative. Nevertheless, the networking with the Bank of Greece still remains important and active. As a result, the director of the Climate Change Unit, Ms. Antonakaki, participated with a presentation in the final conference of CLIMATREE.
  • G. Montanaro (Unibas) participated to the XVII National Conference of the National Association of Agronomist and Forestry held in Matera (Italy) 7-9 November 2019. He presented the LIFE Climatree project and the relevance of tree crops for sustainable agriculture to target reduction of GHG emissions and increase atmospheric CO2 capture.




  • Project Coordinator Prof. K. Bithas  presented the “Novel aspects for accounting & monitoring carbon sequestration of tree crops in the Mediterranean; Environmental and Economic Benefits” at the 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-2), which took place in Tunisia (10-13 October 2019).

    For more information on the program of the “Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-2)” click here                                                                                                         For the presentation click here

MAY – JULY 2019


  • Ioannis Spanos from TERRA NOVA presented the “Algorithm for the calculation of tree crops’ CO2 Removal Capacity” at the “EFITA 2019” International Conference, which took place in Rhodes, Greece (27-29 June 2019).
    For more information on the program of “EFITA 2019” International Conference” click here.
    For more information on the “Algorithm for the calculation of tree crops’ CO2 Removal Capacity” click here
  • Angelos Mimis from UEHR presented the “Novel approaches for accounting & monitoring carbon sequestration and the socioeconomic impacts of tree crops in Southern Europe” at the “IATRC - EU Summer Symposium, which took place in Seville, Spain 2019 (23-25 June 2019).                                For more information on the program of the “IATRC - EU Summer Symposium” click here                For the presentation click here



  • Ioannis Spanos from TERRA NOVA presented the “Algorithm for the calculation of tree crops’ CO2 Removal Capacity” at the “Climatico 2019” International Conference, which took place in Limassol, Cyprus (11-12 April 2019).
    For more information on the program of “Climatico 2019” International Conference” click here.
    For more information on the “Algorithm for the calculation of tree crops’ CO2 Removal Capacity” click here
  • On 21st of March 2019, the CLIMATREE stakeholders’ workshop took place in Madrid, Spain. The workshop focused on the presentation of the so far Project's results (i.e. the performed field experiments and data collection, the under development CO2 Removal Potential Algorithm, the project's Climate Change mitigation policy perspectives, the potentials for utilization of project's outputs by relevant stakeholders, etc). An active participation and exchange of ideas took place among CLIMATREE's beneficiaries and representatives of the Spanish Ministry of the Environment, LULUCF experts and relevant researchers, representatives of private IT agencies and Cajamar rural bank. 

For more information on the “Climatree stakeholders’ workshop” click here.

  • DICEM published an Article by Giuseppe Montanaro - Teodoro Berloco - Davide Amato - Cristos Xiloyannis, entitled “Strategie di mitigazione dell’effetto serra: il contributo dei frutteti” (Greenhouse effect mitigation strategies: the contribution of tree crops) on FRUTTICOLTURA magazine – number 2 (March 2019).
    Read the Article here.


  • Submission of two abstracts to the European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2019, (EGU 2019). Publications details: 1. “Tagaris, E.; Stergiou, J.; Sotiropoulou, R.-E., Optimizing WRF configuration for assessments over Europe”, 2. “Sotiropoulou, R.E.P.; Stergiou, I.; Tagaris, E., Comparison of precipitation change projections between two RCPs over Southern Europe”.
  • UEHR submitted an abstract for the 172nd European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) Seminar. 


  • Update of Project's website.
  • UOWM participated in the 14th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics (COMECAP 2018), Alexandroupolis, Greece, where the abstracts entitled “Optimizing WRF model for surface temperature assessments over Europe” by Stergiou J., E. Tagaris & R.E.P. Sotiropoulou and “High-resolution downscaling of climate projections for temperature and precipitation over the Mediterranean Region” by R.E.P Sotiropoulou, J. Stergiou and E.Tagaris were presented as posters.
  • UEHR participated in the LIFE Medinet's Farmer's Day event in Lisbon (09/10/18).


  • Dicem personnel participated to the “Modelling sustainable farming systems under climate change” summer school (July 23-27, 2018, Nuoro (NU), Italy). Participation to summer school was not foreseen in the proposal however the issue covered by the school was relevant for both personnel skill improvement and for the Project implementation. Particularly the “Evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed policies and measures” (D1 Action) will benefit from the APEX (Agricultural Policy/ Environmental eXtender) model presented at the school that can be used for accounting the carbon emissions deriving from agricultural management for both. APEX can perform long-term continuous simulations for modelling the impacts of different nutrient management practices, tillage operations, conservation practices, alternative cropping systems.


  • Update of Project's Facebook and Twitter pages

JULY 2018

  • In collaboration with Terra Nova we have inaugurated our BLOG section in our official website.

JUNE 2018

  • CLIMATREE participated at the workshop of LIFE Agricultural Projects organized by the Greek LIFE Task Force (1st of June 2018 in Athens).
  • CLIMATREE appeared on the new promotion video of the Greek LIFE Task Force on the Greek CCM LIFE projects (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aObzQGvudMk).

MAY 2018

  • Update of Project's Facebook and Twitter pages.
  • Upgrade of the announcement in “Agri 2017” conference into the methodological publication entitled: “Mediterranean Orchards Ecosystem Services Assessment: A novel inclusive approach for spatial aggregation and cross-fitting services consideration” in the Open Access journal Heliyon.

APRIL 2018

  • Update of Project's website and addition of a blog section in which the forum of the website will be uploaded.

MARCH 2018

  • Update of Project's website and addition of a blog section in which the forum of the website will be uploaded.
  • CLIMATREE was presented in the "Eco News" section of the Greek television channel SKAI, covering also a part of the EU visit (http://www.skai.gr/player/TV/?mmid=303460).


  • Update of Project's website
  • LIFE CLIMATREE with LIFE Task Force visited AUA’s fields for the production of promotional material of Greek CLIMA Life Programme
  • A networking meeting between LIFE FOREST CO2 and LIFE CLIMATREE, two LIFE CLIMATE projects that address LULUCF accounting took place in Murcia (Spain)



  • Update of Project's website.
  • Upgrade of the announcement in “Agri 2017” conference into the methodological publication entitled: “Mediterranean Orchards Ecosystem Services Assessment: A novel inclusive approach for spatial aggregation and cross-fitting services consideration” in the Open Access journal Heliyon
  • Abstract submission by UOWM to the European Geophysical Union General Assembly (EGU)


  • Update of Project's website
  • Upgrade of the announcement in “Agri 2017” conference into the methodological publication entitled: “Mediterranean Orchards Ecosystem Services Assessment: A novel inclusive approach for spatial aggregation and cross-fitting services consideration” in the Open Access journal Heliyon.


  • Update of Project's website
  • DICEM published a short note (in IT) on the official journal of the Regional Agronomist and Forestry Professionals titled: Frutteti e CambiamentiClimatici
  • LIFE CLIMATREE was presented by UEHR (24/11) in the School of Spatial Planning and Development, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, for the investigation of possible synergies
  • An internal LIFE CLIMATREE meeting for the optimization of the Tree Crops CO2 algorithm was held in Matera, Italy



  • Update of Project's website.
  • Upgrade of the announcement in “Agri 2017” conference, by AUA, into the methodological publication entitled: “Mediterranean Orchards Ecosystem Services Assessment: A novel inclusive approach for spatial aggregation and cross-fitting services consideration” in the Open Access journal Heliyon.
  • Dr Montanaro (right) met Dr Luca BRAIA (centre) (Regional Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry) and Dr Cipollaro (left) (representative of the “Forestry and Territory protection Office” of the Agriculture and Forestry Policy Dept. of the Regione Basilicata) in order to discuss the impact of the CE Decision 529/2013 on possible public actions to satisfy the obligations to account for GHG emissions/removals by the LULUCF sector including the Cropland Management. At the meeting, the Project CLIMATREE was presented. The Regional Ministry proposed to have a technical seminar on that issue to be delivered to personnel of the Agriculture and Forestry Policy Dept. potentially involved in GHG accounting procedures for the Cropland Management sector within the LULUCF.



  • Upgrade of the announcement in “Agri 2017” conference, by AUA, into the methodological publication entitled: “Mediterranean Orchards Ecosystem Services Assessment: A novel inclusive approach for spatial aggregation and cross-fitting services consideration” in the Open Access journal Heliyon
  • DiCEM continued the preparation of a manuscript titled“Modelling soil carbon dynamic in a Mediterranean fruit peach orchards under localized irrigation and compost supply”
  • Two notice boards in Spanish Language have been installed in Santomera orchard and Campotejar orchard, both in Murcia Region, where experimental activities are taking place.


Santomera orchard: 

Campotejar orchard: 


  • The Notice Board in Spanish language has been produced by CSIC
  • A notice Board in English Language has been installed in the peach orchard where experimental activities of CSIC take place
  • DiCEM finalised the acceptance of the paper titled “Mitigation of global warming impact of fresh fruit production through climate smart management” now in press for the international journal “Journal of Cleaner Production” (Elsevier). 

JULY 2017

  • DiCEM submitted a manuscript titled “Managing carbon fluxes in a peach orchard” for publication in ActaHorticulturae
  • Dr.Montanaro (DiCEM) presented the oral presentation “Managing carbon fluxes in a peach orchard” as well as the CLIMATREE Project at the IX International Peach Symposium held in Bucharest, 2-7 July 2017
  • Participation of UOWM to the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Atmospheric Sciences (ECAS 2017)
  • Preparation and submission of a full length paper to the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Atmospheric Sciences (ECAS 2017) by UOWM. Publication details: “Stergiou, J.; Tagaris, E.; Sotiropoulou, R. Sensitivity assessment of WRF parameterizations over Europe. In Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Electron. Conf. Atmos. Sci., 16–31 July 2017; Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 2, 2017 ; doi:10.3390/ecas2017-04138”

JUNE 2017

  • CSIC (Diego Intrigliolo) participated in a Workshop in Madrid on June 15, titled “El uso del aguaen la agriculturamediterránea” where a presentation of the Project results was conducted
  • A scientific publication from the carbon balance data analysis for an irrigated citrus orchard has been finalized and published by CSIC. The publication (attached in the email) is: J. F. Maestre-Valero, L. Testi, M. A. Jiménez-Bello, J. R. Castel, D. S. Intrigliolo. 2017. Evapotranspiration and carbon exchange in a citrus orchard using eddy covariance. Irrigation Science. DOI 10.1007/s00271-017-0548-6. In the acknowledgements the reference to the CLIMATREE grant is explicitally mentioned as “....This research was supported by funds from projects Rideco-Consolider CDS2006-0067 and LIFE14 CCM/GR/000635—LIFE CLIMATREE...”

MAY 2017

  • LIFE CLIMATREE was presented in the frames of the celebrating event for the 25 years of LIFE Projects, in Athens (17-18 May, 2017), organized by Green Fund & Greek Life Task Force (LIFE14/CAP/000003/GR)
  • LIFE CLIMATREE participated at LIFE Platform meeting on Ecosystem Services, Tallinn, Estonia (10-12 May, 2017)
  • Preparation for the participation of LIFE CLIMATREE in the "CLIMATE ACTION IN AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY" Climate smart land-use policy: best practices and innovation from LIFE and Horizon 2020 projects, Brussels, 1 June 2017
  • AUA team represented LIFE CLIMATREE in Brussels Green Week.


APRIL 2017

  • Contacts with LIFE Task Force (LIFE14/CAP/000003/GR) for the participation of LIFE CLIMATREE in the 25 years LIFE celebrations taking place in Athens (16-18 May, 2017).

MARCH 2017

  • DiCEM  submitted  an  abstract  titled  MANAGING  CARBON  FLUXES  IN  PEAC  ORCHARD  for  the  IX International Peach Symposium, to be held in Bucharest, Romania, from July 2 date to July 6, 2017. CSIC  assisted  to  INIA  FORUM “MANEJO  DEL  SUELO  Y  CAMBIO  CLIMÁTICO”  in  Madrid  for Dissemination of project’s progress and results.


  • DiCEM worked on the revision of the paper titled “Mitigation of global warming potential of fresh fruit production through climate smart management” after the remarks received.


  • DiCEM submitted the revised version of the paper titled “Orchard management, soil organic carbon and ecosystem services in Mediterranean fruit tree crops” and finalised its publication in the international journal Scietia Horticulturae, 217: 92-101, DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2017.01.012.
  • DiCEM submitted a paper titled “Mitigation of global warming potential of fresh fruit production through climate smart management”.


  • DiCEM submitted a paper titled “Mitigation of global warming potential of fresh fruit production through climate smart management”.
  • Dissemination of project's progress and results at JUMILLA with Engineering Students and Technicians from Irrigators Community (2 days)” by CSIC.
  • Assistance to the 4PRIMA meeting at CIHEAM Bari (12 -13 December). During the meeting, Diego Intrigliolo explained some of the results about water and carbon balance footprints to the assistant to the meetings which were the funding agencies from the Euro-Mediterranean countries and other international institutions such as FAO and ICARDA.



  • Participation of UEHR and CSIC in the closing workshop of LIFE ECOCITRIC Project (LIFE13 ENV/ES/000889) in Spain (16th-17th November). The Logo of CLIMATREE project has been inserted in the project’s webpage: http://www.lifeecocitric.eu/index.php/es/partners/networking/154-life-climatree
  • During the 16th and 17th November Congress a further networking with the following projects was achieved:
    • LIFE EcoCitric (LIFE13 ENV/ES/000889), coordinated by Vall d’Uixó’s Town Hall
    • LIFE Citrus (LIFE14 ENV/ES/000326), coordinated by Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva
    • Life GISWASTE (LIFE12/ENV/ES/000406) coordinated by AZTI-Tecnalia
    • LIFE Irriman LIFE13 ENV/ES/000539 coordinated by Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
    • Winetech Plus, Interreg-Sudoe project
    • EraNet DESERT, coordinated by Università di Bari.


  • A presentation about the Project results and activity has been carried out during the course of the seminar ReQpro about “RECLAIMED WATER USE IN MEDITERRANEAN AGRICULTURE” by CSIC.
  • A poster about CLIMATREE project in Spanish has been designed and printed which will be used for all the Spanish dissemination activities.
  • Presentation of CLIMATREE (by UEHR) in LIFE IPNOA's (LIFE11 ENV/IT/000302) final workshop in Pisa, Italy
  •  Participation of AUA in the Networking Event of LIFE AgroClimaWater project.


  • Participation in the 13th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics (COMECAP 2016), where the abstract entitled “Life ClimaTree project: Accounting the tree crops carbon sequestration in S. Europe for current and future climatic conditions” by Stergiou J., E. Tagaris & R.E.P. Sotiropoulou was presented as a poster.
  • Prof. Xiloyannis delivered a presentation on the impact of Climatic Changes on agriculture focussing the tree crops and introducing the LIFE CLIMATREE Project. The meeting was held in the Grottaglie municipality (Taranto Province) on 23 September 2016.

  • Establishment of Networking with LIFE ECOCITRIC Project (LIFE13 ENV/ES/000889).
  • Establishment of Networking LIFE IPNOA Project (LIFE11 ENV/IT/000302).
  • Establishment of Networking with ADAPT2CLIMA (LIFE14 CCA/GR/000928).


  • DiCEM submitted to the international journal GEODREMA a manuscript on ecosystem service delivered by fruit tree orchards focussing also the regulating service flowing from orchards because of their potential ability to sequester atmospheric CO2.


JULY 2016

  • Participation in Athens 2016 Life Info Day organized by the Hellenic Ministry of the Environment for the presentation of Climatree in the Life Projects Good Practices section (25th of July).


JUNE 2016

  • Participation in Athens 2016 Life Info Day organized by the Hellenic Ministry of the Environment for the presentation of Climatree in the Life Projects Good Practices section (9th of June).
  • Publication of the following article “Carbon budget in a Mediterranean peach orchard under different management practices” by Montanaro G., Tuzio A.C., Xylogiannis E., Kolimenakis A., Dichio B., 2016, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2016.05.031.

(Click to download)

  • A presentation to the III Jornadas sobre curso de Gestión del riego has been delivered in order to give end-users about water and carbon footprint managements in irrigated fruit trees orchard.


MAY 2016

  • Update of dialogue with the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture (Ms. Marta Hernández de la Cruzmhcruz) and preparation of a report indicating the Spanish strategy towards the sequestration of CO2 from agriculture and the inclusion of LULUCF in EU report.
  • DiCEM submitted an abstract titled “Climate change and the potential mitigation role of fruit tree orchards” to the III International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe - SHE2016 Chania, Crete (Greece), October 17-21, 2016.


APRIL 2016

  • Meeting in the premises of the Hellenic Ministry of the Environment (18th April) between UEHR, delegates of the Ministry's Climate Change Unit and representative of DG CLIMA (Mr. Dimitris Zevgolis).
  • Meeting (7th of April) in the premises of UEHR between the teams of UEHR-UOWM-AUA and representatives of the Hellenic Ministry of Agriculture Department of Olive and Grapes Cultivations (Mr. Grammatikos and Mr. Kiokakis), and Mr. Iordanis Tzamtzis (Accel Co and national appointed representative of the LULUCF by the Hellenic Ministry of the Environment).
  • Participation in the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), where the abstract entitled “LIFE CLIMATREE project: A novel approach for accounting and monitoring carbon sequestration of tree crops and their potential as carbon sink areas” by Stergiou J., E. Tagaris & R.E.P. Sotiropoulou was presented as a poster.

MARCH 2016

  • China's New Silk Road Strategy": Pathway to Green Growth for European and Chinese Strategy

Presentation of LIFE CLIMATREE by Prof. Bithas in the International Conference "China's New Silk Road Strategy": Pathway to Green Growth for European and Chinese Strategy" in Paris, on 17.3.2016

  • Contact with representatives of the Hellenic Ministry of the Environment for the presentation of the LIFE CLIMATREE project and the organization of a forthcoming meeting with the policy makers of the Ministry in the field of Climate Change.

  • Meeting (9th of March) in the Hellenic Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Olive and Grapes Cultivations regarding the presentation of LIFE CLIMATREE's scope.

  • greenagenda.gr

Contact with Journalist Mr. Avoukatos (22nd of March) for the publication of LIFE CLIMATREE'S information in the web journal greenagenda.gr



  • The associated beneficiary DICEM submitted a manuscript titled “Carbon budget in a Mediterranean peach orchard under different management practices” to the journal Agr. Ecosyst. Environ (ms n. AGEE15362).
  • Contacts of CSIC with delegates from the Spanish Ministry of Agricutlure and the Environment.



  • Communication with the Head of the Department of General Environmental Issues at Ministry of Environment, Energy & Climate Change of Greece, for the dissemination of LIFE CLIMATREE's scope and the design of the project's strategy in accordance with the National Strategic priorities.
  • Communication with representatives of DG CLIMA for the update of EU priorities in the fields of   "Greenhouse gas Monitoring Mechanism Regulation (MMR)" and possible policy reformations in the interest of LIFE CLIMATREE.
  • Meeting of LIFE CLIMATREE's Project Manager in the premises of the Greek Ministry of Environment & Energy for the official presentation of the Project's strategic prioritization & objectives.
  • Preparation and submission of two abstracts from UOWM team:
    Stergiou J., E. Tagaris and R.E.P. Sotiropoulou, LIFE CLIMATREE project: Accounting the tree crops carbon sequestration in S. Europe for current and future climatic conditions, 13th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, COMECAP, Thessaloniki, September 2016.
    Stergiou J., E. Tagaris and R.E.P. Sotiropoulou, LIFE CLIMATREE project: A novel approach for accounting and monitoring carbon sequestration of tree crops and their potential as carbon sink areas, European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, April 2016.
  • Communication with Dr. G. Koubouris of Nagref Chania regarding the dissemination of LIFE CLIMATREE’s results within the Agricultural Associations of Crete.



  • Communication with representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, regarding the results of the participation of the ministry in the COP21 meeting and  information about the potential of CLIMATREE's scope to be included in National Policy Proposal towards the EU. Elaboration of a (small) executive report which will be used by 3 National Ministries (Greek, Italian, Spanish) for supporting the inclusion of tree cultivations within the accounting of CO2 balance and its inclusion in forthcoming policy proposals of the DG Clima indicating the potential of tree cultivations for the Mediterranean countries in the absorption of CO2 levels.



  • A contact has been established with the Spanish journalist Miguel Angel Muñoz from the local general newspaper “La Verdad” in order to include information about the CLIMATREE project in the La Verdad newspaper



  • Kick-off Meeting
    The official kick-off Meeting of the Project took place at the 7th and 8th of October in the premises of the Agricultural University of Athens. During the 1st day, the main managerial and financial issues were presented and the basic internal procedures were decided among the beneficiaries, for the successful continuation of the project’s outputs. During the 2nd day, beneficiaries presented an initial framework of all actions and a roadmap was decided for the preparation of each Action’s Deliverables.
kick off minutes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 184.5 KB
  • International Course on the Carbon Footprint of Olive Growing
    Prof. Xiloyannis (DICEM) presented a lecture titled “CO2 storage in the soil” within the International Course on the Carbon footprint of olive growing organised by the International Olive Council in Madrid on 26-27 October 2015. The course was relevant for CLIMATREE and it was an opportunity to present CLIMATREE within the scientific board of the course

2015 Xiloyannis COI Madrid.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.4 MB